Buy Queen Excluder

Queen Excluder in Beekeeping Equipment


This galvanised sheet fits between your brood box and super to keep the queen bee in the brood box so she doesn’t lay eggs on your honey frames. It also protects your queen bee when you are harvesting honey. Optional but recommended.

Additional Queen Excluder Information

  • Prevents the queen from laying eggs in honey supers (frames intended for honey storage) and instead confine her to brood frames (frames for bee larval development).
  • Ensures clean honey harvesting by preventing brood (immature bees) from developing in honey supers.
  • The Queen Excluder is typically a thin, perforated sheet or mesh with small holes that allow worker bees to pass through while preventing the larger queen bee from doing so.
  • This device is usually placed on top of the brood box or on the first super, depending on the beekeeper’s management strategy.

Additional information

Weight1.12 kg
Dimensions41 × 51 cm


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